checkstyle-3.4.jar (and associated dependencies, like antlr.jar)
<target name="benchmark" description="Runs the benchmarks" depends="tasks"> <delete file="${benchmark.log}"/> <property name="threads" value="5"/> <property name="duration" value="60"/> <property name="delay" value="0"/> <taskdef name="benchmark" classname="net.sf.jbenchmark.BenchmarkTask"> <classpath> <path refid="project.class.path"/> </classpath> </taskdef> <benchmark> <script path="scripts/benchmark.all.xml"/> <httpserver hostname="${}" port="${benchmark.port}" threadSession="true"/> <publisher logfile="${benchmark.log}"/> </benchmark> </target>
The <benchmark>
task takes the following attributes:
Attribute | Description |
logfile | The log file to write results to. The benchmark results are appended to this file. If not specified, the results are written to Ant's stdout. |
script | A benchmark script to be executed. |
The <benchmark>
task takes the following nested elements:
The <script>
element defines a benchmark script to execute. It takes the following attributes:
Attribute | Description |
path | A benchmark script to be executed. |
The benchmark tool is a simple HTTP benchmarking tool. Benchmarks are defined in an XML based benchmark script, and an Ant task is used to execute the script.
<test> <!-- Hit the web page with multiple threads, for a fixed duration --> <web-page prefetchCount="15" prefetchDelay="500" threads="${threads}" duration="${duration}" delay="${delay}" path="/path/" name="index.xml"> <assert-response-status status="200"/> <assert-response-size max="20000"/> </web-page> </test>
<test xmlns:jelly="jelly:core" xmlns:util="jelly:util"> <thread-group threads="5"> <loop-duration duration="120"> <jelly:import uri="include/sitesearch.xml" inherit="true"/> </loop-duration> <timer name="Preload times only (get the server and caches warmed up)"/> </thread-group> <thread-group threads="${threads}"> <loop-duration duration="${duration}"> <jelly:import uri="include/sitesearch.xml" inherit="true"/> </loop-duration> <timer name="search times"/> </thread-group> file:include/sitesearch.xml <choose-random> <!-- 80% of hits are searches with partial property name--> <choice weight="80"> <!-- 50% of searches have accomodation type set --> <random var="accommType"> <token-list tokens=",,,1,2,3"/> </random> <random var="propertyName"> <sql-list query="select substring(DisplayName, 1, 4) from PROPERY"/> </random> <http-get path="/Search.jsp?propertyName={propertyName}&accomodationType={accommType}"> <assert-response-status status="200"/> <assert-response-size min="1000" max="600000"/> </http-get> <timer name="searchby.propname"/> </choice> <!-- 20% of searches by region --> <choice weight="20"> <random var="regionid"> <sql-list query="select id from REGION"/> </random> <http-get path="/Search.jsp?region={regionid}"> <assert-response-status status="200"/> <assert-response-size min="1000" max="600000"/> </http-get> <timer name="searchby.region"/> </choice> </choose-random>
A benchmark script is an XML file. The root element of the script must be a <test>
test group element.
Script are interpreted as Jelly scripts, and so can include
Jelly tags in addition to the tags listed below. In particular, the <import>
tag can be used to import
other scripts. Scripts can access Ant properties using Ant-style ${property-name}
Test group elements defines a group of tests to execute. The tests are defined as nested elements, and are executed in the order that they appear in the script.
The <loop>
element defines a test group that executes multiple times.
the element takes the following attributes:
Attribute | Description |
count | The number of times to execute the test group. |
The <loop-duration>
element defines a test group that executes multiple times, for a fixed amount of
time. This element takes the following attributes:
Attribute | Description |
duration | The amount of time (in seconds) to execute the test group. |
The <thread-group>
element defines a test group that executes concurrently in multiple threads. Each
thread executes the test group once. This element takes the following attributes:
Attribute | Description |
rampup | The amount of time (in seconds) to take to start the threads. |
threads | The number of threads to use. |
The <parallel>
element defines a test group that executes each of its tests in parallel.
Test elements define a single atomic test to execute. They can be added to any test group element.
The <http-get>
element performs an HTTP get of a particular resource.
This element takes the following attributes:
Attribute | Description |
path | The path of the resource to get. |
The <http-get>
element can include nested assertion elements.
The <fixed-delay>
element introduces a delay of fixed duration.
This element takes the following attributes:
Attribute | Description |
delay | The length of the delay (in milliseconds). |
The <timer>
element defines a timer, which gathers timing statistics. A <timer>
element can be added to a test group, and it will gather statistics for all HTTP tests in that group (including all
nested tests).
This element takes the following attributes:
Attribute | Description |
name | An identifying name for the timer. This name will appear in the log file. |
The <assert-duration>
element can be added to any test or test group element, and checks that the test
execution time does not exceed an expected maximum value.
The <assert-response-status>
element can be added to any HTTP test, and checks that the HTTP response
returns the expected status code.
The <assert-response-size>
element can be added to any HTTP test, and checks that the HTTP response
returns a body whose size is within an expected range.
The <http-server>
element can be added to any test group, and specifies the HTTP server that all HTTP
tests in that group (including all nested tests) should use.
The <console-publisher>
element can be added to any test group, and directs the output of all test
timers in that group (including all nested timers) to Ant stdout.
The <file-publisher>
element can be added to any test group, and directs the output of all test
timers in that group (including all nested timers) to a log file.