Uses of Interface

Packages that use TestContext
net.sf.jbenchmark Introduction 

Uses of TestContext in net.sf.jbenchmark

Classes in net.sf.jbenchmark that implement TestContext
 class ChoiceTest
          A weighted test group.
 class ForEachTest
          A test group that executes once for each item in a list.
 class HttpLogPlayerTest
          Http Log Player test will execute http gets from the specified log file File - http log file this attribute when running from script.
 class HttpSessionTest
          Test a number of http requests for a single session.
 class ParallelTestGroup
          A test group that executes each of its tests in a separate thread.
 class TestGroup
          A test that runs a sequence of tests.
 class TestLoop
          A test that runs another test multiple times.
 class TestLoopDuration
          Loops for a constant amount of time.
 class TestThreadGroup
          A test that runs a test in several threads.
 class TopLevelContext
          Test Context, includes Features, Resources accessible by all tests etc.
 class WebPageTestGroup
          A basic test that performs an HTTP get on a single URL, using multiple threads, for a fixed duration.

Methods in net.sf.jbenchmark that return TestContext
protected  TestContext TestGroup.getFeatureContext()
          Returns the context to use for features of this test.
protected  TestContext TestFeature.getContext()
          Gets the test context.
protected  TestContext Test.getFeatureContext()
          Returns the context to use for features of this test.

Methods in net.sf.jbenchmark with parameters of type TestContext
 void TestGroup.setContext(TestContext context)
          Sets the context for this test.
 void TestFeature.setContext(TestContext context)
          Sets the context for this feature.
 void Test.setContext(TestContext context)
          Sets the context for this feature.