Uses of Class

Packages that use TestGroup
net.sf.jbenchmark Introduction 

Uses of TestGroup in net.sf.jbenchmark

Subclasses of TestGroup in net.sf.jbenchmark
 class ChoiceTest
          A weighted test group.
 class ForEachTest
          A test group that executes once for each item in a list.
 class HttpLogPlayerTest
          Http Log Player test will execute http gets from the specified log file File - http log file this attribute when running from script.
 class HttpSessionTest
          Test a number of http requests for a single session.
 class ParallelTestGroup
          A test group that executes each of its tests in a separate thread.
 class TestLoop
          A test that runs another test multiple times.
 class TestLoopDuration
          Loops for a constant amount of time.
 class TestThreadGroup
          A test that runs a test in several threads.
 class WebPageTestGroup
          A basic test that performs an HTTP get on a single URL, using multiple threads, for a fixed duration.